Pet Relief Spray for itchy dogs and cats 150ml
Our Pet Relief Spray quickly provides relief for itchy skin in dogs and cats. Pet Relief Spray is made from natural ingredients and has been developed to provide fast relief for itchy dry skin for your pet. It is especially good for pets that chew their paws due to allergies and grass allergies, hot spots, itchy bites, itchy allergic reactions, and rashes. Some dogs chew their paws as a habit and using our spray regularly can help break that habit. Our Pet Relief Spray can be used wherever your pet is scratching, just be careful in sensitive areas, especially around the eyes. We have had great feedback about this product. Shake the bottle well before use.
Sometimes it could be the food your pet is eating that might be causing it to scratch take a look at our Louis and Phoebe Premium Fish and Rice Dog Food it has been formulated for dogs that a prone to allergies, sensitive tummies, and itchy skin. It’s made daily, so it’s fresh, wheat-free, and hypoallergenic.
🐾 Thousands of Happy Dog Pawrents 🐾 and 5 ⭐ reviews !!
🐾 Thousands of Happy Dog Pawrents 🐾 and 5 ⭐ reviews !!
I purchased Louis and Phoebe Itchy Spray for my cat. I had tried every thing to stop her from scratching. This product was really good. Highly recommend.