Dog Mocs dog boots
Dog Mocs are premium deerskin dog boots that protect your best friend's paws from ANY challenge you face. From a mountain hike to a desert trek, from scorching summer walks to icy streets full of salt, Dog Mocs offer year-round paw protection. Why buy Dog Mocs? Dogs can finally feel the ground while enjoying 100% tough, durable deerskin that never falls off. At Louis and Phoebe, where we only sell quality products and brands that actually work, these boots ensure your dog's comfort and safety in every adventure.
Dog Moc's are excellent for elderly dogs with mobility issues that struggle to walk on slippery wooden floors. Dog Mocs give your dog stability as the soft deer skin grips the floor and helps them to stand properly. Typically rubber sole boots won't help them as dogs hate them as they cannot feel the floor.
Why Dog Moc's?
Dog Moc's do not hinder a dog's natural balance and the soft, breathable leather allows their paws to feel the ground below instead of rubber soled boots that feel foreign to them.
If you are near Louis and Phoebe St Heliers you are welcome to try a pair on.
This photo shows the normal and expected wear on your Dog Mocs, which you will see almost immediately after the first use on a rough surface, like asphalt, concrete, or rocky trail. DON’T BE ALARMED. This is NOT the leather peeling away. When the deerskin leaves the tannery, there is a very slight, thin “film” on its surface, as a result of the tanning process. This thin “film” is what you see peeling away after the first couple of uses. But no worries….the tough deerskin leather is at full strength and ready to provide you and your dog the protection you want on the many walks and hikes ahead.
Dog Moc sizing chart
Dog Moc's Size Measurement in CM Weight
Xsmall 2.54 6.83kg Small 2.54 - 3.81 6.83 - 11.34 Med 2.54 - 5.08 13.60 - 20.5+ Large 5.08 - 6.35 22.68 - 29.48+ Xlarge 6.35 - 7.62 31.75 - 40.82+ XXlarge 7.62 - 40.82+